Overcome Dental Anxiety with IV Sedation

By Nederland Family Dental

When you’re a dentist, people everywhere open up to you about their dental anxiety.  There are so many people in our area who avoid the dentist, even when their teeth are in agony because fear keeps them away from the dentist’s chair.

For the last 13 years, Nederland Family Dental has been at the forefront of sedation dentistry.  We’ve offered both mild sedation with nitrous oxide and an oral sedation option for complicated surgeries.  Today, we’re proud to announce that we have a new, third sedation option: IV Sedation!

What is IV Sedation?

IV sedation uses a mix of medications to allow you to experience dental appointments and procedures without fear.  You’ll be hooked up to an IV and also to monitors that track your vital signs.  During the procedure, you’ll be conscious, but not anxious or in pain.  Afterward, you will not have memories of the procedure. You’ll just remember being happy and relaxed while you’re at the dentist.  IV sedation is a great way to overcome dental anxiety and to build a new, positive association with dental visits.

What are the benefits of IV Sedation?

IV Sedation offers several benefits that oral sedation and general anesthesia don’t.

  • IV Sedation is easier to control than oral medications.  The medication mix we use is precisely calibrated to your body type and needs. That means less time sedated, fewer side effects, and no risk of developing a dependence.  You get precisely the medication you need, and only for as long as you need it.
  • IV sedation is more affordable than general anesthesia. To give a patient general anesthesia, we need to bring an anesthesiologist into the practice.  Meanwhile, Dr. Gomez has trained under top dental anesthesiologists and is fully certified to provide moderate sedation in his office.
  • IV sedation reduces after-surgery pain, swelling, and bruising. When you’re relaxed during dental surgery, you have less post-operative inflammation.  IV sedation doesn’t just make the appointment more pleasant – it helps you heal faster.
  • IV sedation means that EVERYONE can get the care they need.  Fear shouldn’t be a barrier to great dental healthcare.  IV sedation makes it possible for patients with anxiety to achieve a perfect, healthy smile.

Am I a good candidate for IV sedation?

If you have dental anxiety and would like to discuss IV sedation, call our office.  We specialize in helping people just like you get the care they need.  We take your fears seriously, and we help you find ways around them.  Make an appointment today, and let IV sedation help you get your smile back.