Conquering Anxiety with Compassion

What Is Conscious Sedation?

IV Sedation For Dentistry

IV sedation is for more complex dental procedures and we deliver it intravenously. We constantly monitor your vital signs and heart rate throughout your procedure and we're able to adjust the medication as needed to ensure that you are completely relaxed. IV sedation works so well that we have been told that patients feel like they're asleep through their entire procedure.

Our dentists may recommend IV sedation in Nederland for these situations:

  • For patients with a severe gag reflex
  • For patients with special needs
  • For those with a need for multiple, complex treatment procedures they would like to complete during one appointment
  • For patients with severe dental phobia or anxiety
When receiving IV sedation be sure to secure a ride. Patients will wake up groggy and in need of a driver. Plan to rest for the remainder of the day, returning to normal activities the following day. Call our clinic for pricing and insurance.

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    The Benefits of Sedation

    Sedation has several benefits. The most important benefit is that you can feel anxiety-free while you have your dental work. That means you don’t have to avoid the dentist and risk losing your teeth and damaging your dental health.

    Because you will be groggy and disoriented, you will need someone to drive you home from your appointment, but you should feel completely normal and well-rested the next day.

    Another benefit of sedation dentistry is that it allows you to have a large amount of work done in one visit. Because you have little awareness of time and you are completely relaxed, we can accomplish multiple procedures per visit.

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